Episode archive

  • How is open-source software like magic?

    How is open-source software like magic?

    Writing code can be like casting a spell: magic words, written in a special language, bring new worlds into existence. But spells can have consequences. Who is responsible for how technology impacts society? This month on Looks Like New, MEDlab research fellow Adina Glickstein talked to Coraline Ada Ehmke. Who is dedicated to helping technologists…

  • What does digital privacy mean for young people?

    What does digital privacy mean for young people?

    Whether or not we have children of our own, many of us have wondered how we approach their privacy in the digital world. What’s the best way we can approach this increasingly important question? In this episode, MEDLab research fellow Antoinette Kendrick speaks with danah boyd, a leading researcher, scholar, and thought leader in the fields…